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Allodynie bezeichnet im Allgemeinen ein Schmerzempfinden, welches durch Reize ausgelöst wird, die normalerweise keinen Schmerz auslösen. Als Beispiel sei hier das Kämmen der Haare bei Migräne angeführt, welches oft einen Schmerz verursacht.
- Ashkenazi A (April 2010). "Allodynia in cluster headache". Curr Pain Headache Rep 14 (2): 140–4. doi: . PMID 20425203.
- Riederer F, Selekler HM, Sándor PS, Wöber C (July 2009). "Cutaneous allodynia during cluster headache attacks". Cephalalgia 29 (7): 796–8. doi: . PMID 19210320.
- Marmura MJ, Abbas M, Ashkenazi A.: Dynamic mechanical (brush) allodynia in cluster headache: a prevalence study in a tertiary headache clinic. J Headache Pain. 2009 May 7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 19421708 DOI PDF Comment Dr. Andrew Sewell
- Huber G, Lampl C.: Oxygen Therapy Influences Episodic Cluster Headache and Related Cutaneous Brush and Cold Allodynia. Headache. 2009 Jan; 49(1): 134-6. PMID 18624708 DOI
- Buchgreitz L, Lyngberg AC, Bendtsen L, Jensen R (July 2008). "Increased pain sensitivity is not a risk factor but a consequence of frequent headache: a population-based follow-up study". Pain 137 (3): 623–30. doi: . PMID 18061350.
- Ellrich J, Ristic D, Yekta SS (October 2006). "Impaired thermal perception in cluster headache". J. Neurol. 253 (10): 1292–9. doi: . PMID 16649093.
- Burstein R (September 2006). "Should cluster headache be associated with cutaneous allodynia?". Cephalalgia 26 (9): 1041–2. doi: . PMID 16919053.
- Ladda J, Straube A, Förderreuther S, Krause P, Eggert T (September 2006). "Quantitative sensory testing in cluster headache: increased sensory thresholds". Cephalalgia 26 (9): 1043–50. doi: . PMID 16919054.
- Ashkenazi A, Young WB (2004). "Dynamic mechanical (brush) allodynia in cluster headache". Headache 44 (10): 1010–2. doi: . PMID 15546264.
- Bridges D, Thompson SW, Rice AS (July 2001). "Mechanisms of neuropathic pain". Br J Anaesth 87 (1): 12–26. PMID 11460801.
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